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Big Wicked Wolf (Shadowpeak Wolves Book 1) Page 15

  “Get yourself together and then start circulating the food.”

  “Yes, Alpha mate.”

  Laney then moved through the crowd, instinctively searching out Cooper. He smiled as he saw her coming and, leaning down, kissed her gently.

  “Really Laney, I didn’t know you had it in you, I am impressed.” That deep, husky voice—she’d know it anywhere. Laney had been so caught up in getting to Cooper she’d failed to notice the other woman. Cooper’s hand crept around Laney’s waist, lending her his strength, and she smiled in reaction.

  “Suzanne, I’m sure there are many things you don’t know about me.” She turned to look at the tall brunette leaning on the arm of a broad, bald man.

  “Leonard, how good of you to come.” Proud of the steadiness of her voice, she nodded regally, keeping a pleasant mask upon her face. She hated Suzanne. The older woman had enjoyed tormenting her when she’d been younger. She’d helped to make her life a living hell and Laney would not forget.

  “Laney, I must say you’ve grown even more beautiful since I saw you last.” Leonard looked down at her knowingly, and Laney had to fight to hold her terror inside. The hand at her waist tightened, and she glanced up at Cooper, a slight smile on her face.

  Bile rose in her throat as she forced herself to look at the asshole standing in front of her. He’d always creeped her out, she’d always felt like he watched her too closely, touched her too often. Each touch had made her feel physically ill, is if it were a stain on her very soul.

  “How kind of you to say so, and would you believe it’s all natural?” She looked straight at Suzanne as she said that, watching as the older woman’s eyes narrowed in fury.

  “Jeremy wants a poker game. It’s a good way for everyone to relax together. Men only, you understand, don’t you ladies? Cooper?” Leonard looked at Cooper expectantly. Laney could tell Cooper didn’t want to leave her with the viper, but Leonard was right, it was a tradition, one Cooper couldn’t get out of. “After all, I’m sure your mate will be just fine by herself, won’t you, Laney?”

  “Have fun.” Laney leaned up to kiss Cooper lightly, surprised when he deepened the kiss. She blushed slightly as he winked at her before turning to stroll confidently behind Leonard to the smaller room off the hall.

  “Haven’t you done well, my dear? I would never have guessed.”

  “I couldn’t stay that scared little child you liked to bully forever, could I now?”

  “Oh now, Laney, you’re not holding a grudge, are you? An intelligent girl like you should realize that our packs would be much better off as allies than enemies. You wouldn’t let a little unpleasantness come between us, would you?”

  “A little unpleasantness?” Laney asked, shocked. But the viper just waved her fury away.

  “Please, Laney, you’re not going to be so childish, are you? I thought better of you than that.” Suzanne narrowed her eyes, a look of superior amusement on her face.

  Laney swallowed her retort, pasting a smile on her face. “Of course not, all is forgiven,” Lord, she prayed, please don’t strike me down for that horrendous lie.

  “Good, because I need to go to your father’s house, my dear. I left something there, and I really don’t want to go by myself. Will you come with me?”

  “Why don’t you take Leonard?” Laney asked, shocked by the other woman’s brazenness.

  But Suzanne just aimed that superior look at her again, making Laney grind her teeth in frustration. “Because, my dear, it’s a delicate matter, and I’d rather keep it between us women. There’s not a problem, is there? Oh.” A look of false sympathy crossed her cold features. “You’re not afraid of that place, are you? It’s just a house, after all. It can’t hurt you.”

  Laney straightened her shoulders. “Of course not, but…” She looked around for her brothers.

  “Laney, are you still such a coward? I never thought an Alpha as strong as Cooper would have such a weak mate.”

  Laney ground her teeth at the words—how easily this woman threw her insecurities in her face.

  “Oh, bring Justin with you if you’re so worried. He’ll protect you from me, won’t you, Justin?”

  Relief flooded her as she turned to find Justin standing in the doorway behind them, obviously protecting her. The doors led straight out into the garden. He was protecting her back from attack.

  “Shall we go, then?” Suzanne gestured with an arm, and Laney moved outside, Justin walking behind her.

  None of them saw the dark eyes watching them from the forest.

  * * * * *

  “Well, here we are. Get your stuff and then get out, will you?”

  Suzanne started to smile at her. “Why, my dear, that’s not very polite. Wouldn’t you like to reminisce about old times?”

  Laney gave her the glare that question deserved. “I don’t think so, just hurry up, will you?”

  “Well, of course. Justin.”

  Laney turned to Justin, unaware of the danger until he grabbed her harshly, painfully drawing her hands up high behind her back. Laney sucked in a sharp breath, determined not to cry out even though it felt as if her shoulders might pop from their sockets.

  “J-Justin? What are you doing?”

  “Shut up, you stupid bitch.” Suzanne came up and hit her in the face, punching her so hard the room spun and nausea bubbled in her stomach. “Did you really think Justin was loyal to you? That he would follow your orders?”

  “W-what?” she croaked out.

  “Oh, you are stupid, aren’t you? Justin has been spying on your pitiful mate and your stupid brothers this whole time, and none of you even suspected.”

  “Why?” She faced Suzanne, but her question was directed at the man behind her.

  “Because your mate killed my father,” he told her.

  “What?” She attempted to turn around to face him, but this time Suzanne punched her in the stomach.

  “Didn’t you know? Zachary was my father too. Only he loved me. He hated you, but me, he was going to make Alpha, until your stupid mate interfered.” Justin’s voice had changed, darkened, sending chills down her spine.

  “But I thought your father was Malcolm.”

  Suzanne snorted. “That dolt couldn’t even have children. No, darling Zachary decided he wanted a son so he fucked as many women in the pack as he could. Finally, Justin’s mother got pregnant with his son. He was so proud the day he found out she was having his baby.”

  Laney looked at her in shock. “He raped all those women?”

  Suzanne looked at her as if she were stupid. “Of course.”

  “So why didn’t you give him a son if he wanted one so much?” Laney asked, feeling sick.

  “Me? Have children? I don’t think so. No, I was willing to let Zachary have his fun so long as I didn’t have to give birth to a vile creature. Of course, he let Malcolm and Sandra raise Justin until he was old enough to understand. So much easier than having to raise one himself like he did with you.” She looked at Laney as if she were little better than dog shit on her shoe.

  “He didn’t raise me. He tortured me! Justin, listen to me. He was a monster. He was not a good person, let alone a good father.”

  “Shut up!” Justin growled at her, pulling her arms up until the pain was so great she thought she would pass out. She knew Cooper was on his way, could feel his fear and his fury through their bond.

  “Take her down to the basement. It’s time to have a little fun.” Suzanne grinned, her face filled with evil glee. Laney’s fear almost paralyzed her, but her faith in Cooper, the knowledge that he would come for her, allowed her to push past the crippling terror.

  “We won’t have much time,” Justin warned, forcing Laney to move toward the basement door.

  Laney tried to fight, to kick back at the man she’d trusted. But the bitch merely held a Taser up to her arm, sending shocks of electricity coursing through her, the voltage so high it would have killed a normal human.

  Laney screamed in pain
, so shocked she barely heard the window at the end of the hallway smash in as a huge dark wolf jumped through.

  “Justin!” Suzanne screamed as the wolf launched himself at her, silencing her quickly when his large teeth ripped out her throat. Laney used the distraction to throw herself forward out of Justin’s arms. She turned, kicking her leg out in a high arc, the power of her wolf hitting him.

  But he was powerful. They both came from the same sire, and he was far larger than her. He dodged backward, avoiding her kick before launching himself forward to land an uppercut to her jaw. As she fell backward, her head crunched against the wall before she slid bonelessly to the floor.

  Laney watched him come toward her, saw her death in his eyes. Then she knew nothing at all.

  * * * * *

  Laney sat curled up in the armchair beside the fire. An untouched cup of hot chocolate sat on the table beside her. She didn’t bother to look up as Cooper walked into the room and knelt in front of her.

  “Sweet?” His hands clasped her cheeks, tipping her face up, his thumb gently wiping away the tears that slowly trickled down her face.

  “I don’t know why I’m crying. I didn’t even know him, plus he tried to kill me.” She looked at him in confusion while he gently pushed the hair back from her face, wincing at the large bruise darkening one cheek.

  His eyes flared in anger. “I never should have left you alone with that bitch.”

  Laney shook her head. “It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known that Justin was a traitor. That he was in cahoots with Suzanne. I didn’t even know that he was my brother!”

  “Listen to me, baby, what happened to him wasn’t your fault. Zachary brainwashed him, but he obviously had something dark inside him from the start. He wasn’t like you, so good and pure—no one could ever taint you. He signed his own death warrant when he turned his back on the pack. You have no blame in this.”

  She nodded. “Neither do you. You couldn’t have prevented this, Cooper.”

  He didn’t answer her, but she knew he blamed himself for not protecting her. She sighed. It was going to take him a while to get over this.

  It looked as if she’d have to put up with bodyguards for a while longer yet.

  “Is Cain okay?” she asked. He’d been out patrolling when he’d seen her leave with Suzanne and Justin. Suspicious, he had decided to follow them. Thank God he had. As Laney passed out, Cain had banged his body into Justin, shoving him away from her.

  Cooper had entered the house to find Laney passed out on the floor, Suzanne dead, and was just in time to watch Cain rip Justin’s throat in two.

  “Yeah, hardly even a scratch. I tried to reward him, but he said it was his job. He wouldn’t take more than my thanks.”

  Laney nodded, determined to thank him herself, but later. Right now, all she wanted was to be held by her mate. To feel safe.

  “Justin wanted the pack,” she murmured as Cooper picked her up and sat back in the chair with her in his lap. “But why come after me?”

  “Perhaps because he hoped I would leave if someone was tormenting you.”

  “Or maybe because he hated me. He must have been the one to push me down the stairs, to lock me in the basement.” She frowned, puzzled. “What I don’t understand is why he didn’t just kill me then.”

  Cooper shrugged, but his face was thoughtful. “Perhaps he got interrupted. We arrived back at about the same time as he must have pushed you down the stairs.”

  “Maybe,” Laney said, slightly doubtful, “or maybe he was just going to hold me until Suzanne could get there so she could ‘play’.” She shuddered. “There was something really wrong with her. She looked so excited at the idea of torturing me. I’m sure this was all her idea, the phone calls, the spiders…just another form of torture for her to delight in.”

  “It doesn’t matter now, sweet, she can’t hurt you anymore and neither can Justin. Leonard denied all knowledge of her plan to kill you and therefore weaken me so Justin could take the pack.”

  “Did you believe him?” She felt him shrug.

  “No, but I couldn’t call him a liar without proof. Tomorrow we’ll have the council meeting, and then they’ll all go home. Thank God!”

  She chuckled lightly.

  “It was your idea to have them here.”

  “Yeah, well, remind me next time that having all these Alphas here is a real pain in the ass!”

  “Hmm, that so?” She turned to face him, her knees bent and tucked in on either side of his hips. “I know one Alpha who can be a major pain in my ass!”

  “Do you now?” he murmured back at her, brushing her cheek with his finger. “Well, maybe I should kiss it and make it better.

  Laney laughed happily as he proceeded to do just that.

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  Sadie xo

  Books by Sadie Carter

  Zerconian Warriors Series

  Alien Warrior

  Alien Lover

  Alien Mate

  Sweet Alien Savage

  Alien Savior

  Alien Morsels (Novella)

  Alien Mine

  All I want for Christmas is my Alien (Christmas Novella)

  Alien Sacrifice (Coming March 2017)

  Joyadan Mates


  Zuma (Coming May/June 2017)

  Shadowpeak Wolves

  Big Wicked Wolf