Big Wicked Wolf (Shadowpeak Wolves Book 1) Page 4
“You bitch!” he roared, pulling her up into the air. Okay, maybe she’d underestimated his strength. He shook her until her head rattled, her teeth clattering together. She let the wolf up to the surface, snarling at him. But he didn’t seem to notice. She slammed her hands down over his ears, and he cried out, loosening his hold. She swung her arms down on his until he dropped her. Stepping back slightly, she brought her leg up and kicked him solidly in the balls. He dropped with a thud, writhing on the ground.
There was a noise behind her, and she swung around, her arms coming up to defend herself. Two golden eyes gleamed at her as Cooper stepped forward.
“Easy, tiger,” he said in a low, soothing voice. He didn’t fool her for a second. His shoulders were tense, the look on his face as he stared down at Dave was positively terrifying. And those golden eyes meant that the wolf was close to the surface.
Not good.
“He didn’t harm me,” she said quickly.
Cooper turned that golden gaze on her. “You are defending him?”
Damn it, she couldn’t believe it, but she was.
“He’s down. You can’t attack him now.”
“I can make him disappear.”
“Cooper,” she said with exasperation as Dave moaned, crying softly.
“You think I’m joking? I am not. I wonder how many women he has attacked? Women who were unable to defend themselves.”
She swallowed nervously. He had a point.
“I’ll call the sheriff.”
“I saw your sheriff earlier. He is as round as he is tall, has a sweating problem, and hates outsiders.”
Yeah, that pretty much described Pete.
“He has a gland problem,” she said. Jesus, what was wrong with her? Now she was defending Addison’s useless sheriff?
“I don’t want you to get into trouble,” she finally told him.
“Look at me,” he demanded.
“I’d rather not.” That gold gaze meant he was on the edge.
Muttering under her breath, she raised her gaze to his. The gold had disappeared, but the cold look on his face told her he was holding onto his control by a thread.
“I cannot let this slide. He must pay for touching you.”
“I took care of it. He didn’t hurt me.”
“But he meant to, didn’t he?”
She couldn’t deny that.
Cooper turned his gaze towards Dave. He took a step forward. Laney darted between them. Dave might be a delusional asshole, but she couldn’t let Cooper kill him.
“Cooper, take me home? I’m kind of shaky, and I don’t think I can drive.”
He looked back over at her. “You’re trying to distract me.”
She sighed. “Is it working?” Truthfully, she did feel a bit shaky. She didn’t really like violence or confrontation. She stepped forward, placing her hand on his chest. “Cooper, please.”
His gaze remained on Dave, but she felt him relax slightly. “Get into your car.”
There was no give in his voice, and she knew better than to push him. When a dominant wolf made up his mind, there was little to do to sway him, other than knocking him out and dragging him away. Hmm, the idea had its merits, but she didn’t particularly like her chances of managing that.
So, she grabbed her bag and keys and climbed into the passenger seat of her small car. She watched on anxiously as Cooper grabbed Dave by the throat and drew him up into the air. The other man’s legs kicked as Cooper easily held him inches above the ground. She swallowed nervously. It wouldn’t take much for Cooper to snap his neck. But Cooper just drew him close, his lips next to Dave’s ear. What was he telling him?
Suddenly, Cooper dropped him to the ground. She winced as he landed heavily, just lying there, whimpering. Her gaze followed Cooper as he made his way around to the driver's side and climbed in.
“Thank you,” she said.
“I should have killed the bastard.”
“What did you say to him?” she asked.
“I gave him an ultimatum.”
Cooper glanced over at her. “You don’t want to know.”
She gulped, but she couldn’t feel sorry for Dave. She was all too aware of Cooper sitting just a few feet away. His scent filled the car, surrounding her, intoxicating her.
“I thought you’d left.”
He glanced at her sideways. “You think I’d let that greased up monkey chase me out of town?”
She shrugged.
“I couldn’t leave without saying goodbye. I should have been waiting for you when you finished.”
“We were quiet tonight, so Jimmy let me go early.”
He grunted as he pulled into the parking spot in front of her apartment. They both sat there for a moment.
“Thanks for sticking up for Ella and me.”
“I don’t like you working there.”
“It won’t be forever. And most of the people here are nice.” She could almost feel his disbelief as he turned to her. “They are. There are just a few bad eggs.”
“Bad eggs?”
“Anyway, I can handle myself.”
“You should be better protected. Your Alpha has a lot to answer for.”
“On that, we both agree.” She shivered lightly.
“I meant what I said; I will find you a new pack. I want to help you.”
“We don’t even know each other,” she whispered.
“I couldn’t sleep last night. I kept dreaming of you.”
“Me too. Maybe it’s just a sexual thing.” Holy crap! Had she really just said that?
“Hmm, perhaps we should test that theory.”
Did she dare? He was more than she could handle, she knew that. He was a dominant werewolf, and they always liked their own way. To be in control.
But they weren’t talking a relationship. Hell, not even a few nights.
Just one night.
Maybe if she had this one night, it would get him out of her system. She’d be able to sleep again without waking, her heart racing, sweat coating her skin, the need to come so great it was all-consuming.
He drew her against him. His heat engulfed her, and she bit back a moan as her clit tingled in reaction. She felt his chin on her shoulder, his face resting beside hers, his sexy stubble rasping against the soft skin of her cheek. His unique scent wrapped around her, drugging her, making her limbs grow heavy while her insides trembled in anticipation.
“Just one night. Nothing more.”
“Just one night,” he agreed.
Nerves filled her but she nodded. “Come inside.”
“Sweet, I’ve never wanted to do anything more in my life.”
She snorted as she climbed out of the car. “Those lines of yours are getting worse.”
He sped around to her side and swooped her up into his arms, making her breath catch in her throat. “I’ll work harder. Sweet? You okay?”
“Sure. Umm.” He’d just frightened her half to death. No big deal.
“You’re not afraid of me, are you?”
She should be. But for some reason, his size and dominance made her feel safe rather than threatened.
“No, you just moved quickly.”
“I promise, I know how to go slow.”
“Uh-huh.” She wasn’t quite sure what he was insinuating, but as he laid his mouth over hers, she didn’t care. Need flooded her as she moved her lips against his. His tongue slowly crept into her mouth, dancing with hers and sending sparks of need through her blood.
He drew back, and she heard keys rattle.
She glanced around in a daze. Cooper now stood in front of her apartment door. Jesus, she hadn’t even felt him move. He moved into her small apartment, slamming the door shut behind him. Pausing in her bedroom, he placed her feet on the floor.
“I have to have you.”
Backing her up as he kissed her, he pushed softly on her shoulders so she landed backward with a thump on the unma
de bed.
“Wait. Wait, Cooper,” she panted as he started to follow her down.
“Why would I want to do that, sweet?” he murmured as he pulled her t-shirt up. She waited until it passed over her head to speak again.
“I need a shower. I smell like food and smoke.”
“I don’t care if you smell like a sewer.”
“I need you so bad I’m going to strain something if I don’t get inside you in the next five minutes.” She glanced down, gulping at the hard erection pushing against his blue jeans.
His hands moved, quick and sure, stripping her clothes until she lay naked below him.
“Beautiful,” he whispered as he stared down at her intently. His gaze was primal, possessive, filled with heat. So intense, so sensuous that she struggled to catch her breath.
Laney moved her hands to cover her mound and breasts, embarrassed to be laid bare like this.
“No covering up.” He moved to grab her hands, but she saw him coming and quickly rolled, coming to stand on the opposite side of the bed. Laney looked back to find him watching her, his eyes narrowed while one eyebrow rose in query.
“Have you changed your mind?”
Hell no. She hadn’t. She might be nervous, but she wanted this.
“No, but I need to tell you something.”
“What, sweet?” She looked up into his eyes. They were shimmering with lust as he gazed down at her. “You want to tell me what’s going on, or do I have to cajole it out of you?” He moved around the bed towards her, she jumped back onto the bed, holding out her hand.
He paused, a frown on his face. “Laney? Are you scared of me?”
Chapter Five
Fuck! What had he been thinking? She’d just been attacked and he had no right to push her so hard. Who could blame her if she was scared of him? She didn’t know him. She was probably still in shock from what had just happened.
And Cooper knew he could be domineering. But not tonight. Not with her. Cooper looked down at her. He hated that she might be afraid of him. His need for her had overridden his good sense.
He held out his hand to her. He was surprised by the surge of tenderness he felt. But then everything about his feelings towards her surprised him. He shouldn’t feel so much about someone he’d just met. If it weren’t bad timing, he would take her with him when he left.
“Laney,” he said firmly, waiting patiently until her head rose. She studied him silently for a moment. Then, just as he was giving up hope, she tentatively reached up and clasped his hand. He pulled her up quickly, giving her no time to change her mind. Sitting on the bed, he drew her onto his lap to hold her securely against his chest. Gently, he tipped her face up to his. “What is it?”
She was silent. He wanted to force her to talk to him, wanted to fix everything for her. But he knew what she needed right now was understanding, gentleness.
Shit. This was really going to test his control.
He ran his hand over her hair. “Do you want me to run you a bath? Then you can curl up in bed with some cocoa.”
“A bath and cocoa? That was not where I saw this night going.”
“I’m trying to be understanding. Gentle.”
“You? Understanding? Gentle?” She didn’t need to look quite so dumbfounded. He could be gentle. At least he thought he could. “Why?”
“Because you were just attacked and here I am, trying to get you to sleep with me. I’ve frightened you.”
“I’m not frightened. Just…urgh…I’m not scared…I just don’t know what I’m doing.”
Surprise ran through him, and he sat up straighter. “You’re a virgin?”
Dying of embarrassment would surely be merciful.
Just look at him, he was so dumbfounded that he couldn’t even find the words to reject her. “No.”
Great, now she’d disappointed him.
She groaned, placing her hand over her face. “I can’t believe I’m telling you this. I’ve only had sex once. It was a disaster. Neither of us knew what to do. I still don’t know what to do. There. That’s it. I’m going to shut up now.”
“Sit still, you’re just stirring things up,” he groaned, tightening his hold as she tried to wriggle free.“Let me go.”
She didn’t protest as he rose; she fully expected him to drop her on the bed and race out the door. Instead, he clasped her tightly against him and moved around the bed into the small bathroom.
“W-what are you doing?” she asked as he set her on the small countertop beside the sink before leaning down to turn on the bath faucet. She attempted to cover herself with her arms.
“You know, you’re the shyest wolf I’ve ever met, sweet.”
“My name is Laney! And there’s nudity, and then there’s nudity.” She blushed furiously as he chuckled.
“So there is. You know, I love how you do this.” His fingers brushed her warm cheeks.
“What? Blush?”
He leaned down and kissed her, hard and fast. Then he stood back and started to strip.
“W-what are you doing?” she asked, shocked as he stripped off his shirt to reveal a smooth, supple chest beneath. Damn, why couldn’t he have had a flabby gut? Or a third nipple? Then he stripped off his jeans and boxers, and she gaped as he revealed his large, erect cock.
“Why, sweet, you do boost a man’s ego.” He chuckled, and her blush deepened as she realized she was staring.
He turned to test the water. Apparently satisfied with the temperature, he quickly shut off the taps before turning back to her. He lifted her once again and lowered her into the tub. Laney let out a moan of pure bliss as the warm water hit her tired limbs. Her eyes closed, partly in relaxation, partly so she didn’t have to see the naked hunk kneeling beside her.
“What are you doing?” she squealed as he grabbed one of her arms.
“What does it look like? I’m washing you.” He gently bathed first one arm then the other, far more thoroughly than necessary. He moved his hands to her shoulders, making her sit forward so he could wash her back with long, lingering strokes.
“Why?” she asked as he sat her back. He worked his hands down her chest, circling her breasts, moving slowly toward her still-hard nipples.
“You know, you ask a lot of questions. Didn’t you say you needed a shower?”
“A shower, yes, not this.” She gestured between the two of them as he moved from washing her breasts to her too-thin stomach. God, what did he think of her? She’d been told she was too childlike to turn any man on, her body too skinny and flat. Most female werewolves were lush, curvaceous, and tall. All thoughts fled as he moved his hands to her feet, massaging each one firmly. Shocked, she let out a low, deep moan of sheer bliss.
“Aren’t you enjoying it?”
She moaned again as he dug into the arch of her right foot with his thumb. “That’s not the point,” she groaned.
“I want you to get used to my touch, used to being naked in front of me. I want to look at you, touch you, watch you.” He moved to her other foot.
“Why would you want to look at me? I have the body of a twelve-year-old.” Her words came out slurred, arousal swamping her.
“I don’t know where you get your ideas from, sweet, but the first moment I spotted you I wanted you, and I’ve been hard ever since.” He washed her legs, moving slowly up one leg then the other before he placed them on the edge of each side of the tub.
“What are you doing?” She tried to sit up but he pushed her gently back, and she was enjoying herself too much to put up much of a protest.
“Relax, little one, let me take care of you.”
She gasped slightly, attempting to close her legs as he washed between them. But he wouldn’t let her deny him. Easily keeping her thighs apart with his wide shoulders, he proceeded to wash her thoroughly, cleaning her folds lightly, gently. Laney found herself relaxing once again. Watching him through heavy-lidded eyes, she caught his satisfied smile before h
e threw away the cloth and drew her up out of the bath.
“Twelve years old, my ass. Damn, you look sexy, sweetheart, all tousled and wet. I swear, I’m salivating at just the sight of you,” he groaned, drawing a small grin from her.
“Really?” she asked as he dried her quickly before picking her up and walking into the bedroom. Laying her on her stomach, he poured some scented oil onto his hands.
“You’ve seen my erection. I think it speaks for itself.” He massaged the tight muscles of her back while Laney groaned.
Warm languor flowed over her as his hands kneaded and rubbed, working their way from her shoulders down to her lower back. She lay, relaxed and dreamy, swimming in a sea of bliss. Cooper moved from her back to her feet once again. Even for a werewolf, being on your feet for hours on end took its toll. The pleasure of having someone rub the ache from her abused feet, her calves, and thighs, was breathtaking. Moaning softly, she didn’t even think about protesting when he spread her thighs apart, kneeling between them to massage her butt cheeks. Her breathing slowed as she lay between that state of consciousness and sleep, that dreamy place where anything was possible.
Laney felt his fingers running down the crack of her ass. Jolting in shocked surprise, she tried to rise but her muscles wouldn’t cooperate, and he easily held her down with a hand on her lower back.
“Shh, just lie there and feel, don’t think, just feel.” The hand that had been holding her down now moved between her legs, rubbing oil into her already slick folds.
“Your skin is gleaming, shining. I want your pussy to do the same, sweet. Open up a bit further for me.”
“Good girl,” he murmured when she obeyed his softly spoken command. His fingers rubbed the oil in as her relaxation turned into arousal, the blood that had thickened and slowed with his massage, now raced around her body, seeming to gravitate to the area between her thighs, which throbbed, preening at the attention it was receiving.
She moved restlessly, wanting more, needing more, but unsure how to ask.
“Tell me how you feel. What do you want?”